Monday, February 4, 2013

DIY: Eye makeup remover

Would like to share how I made my own waterproof eye make up remover.

I have been using the Etude house mascara remover for the longest time, and so far it has been working well, since it removes almost all my waterproof mascara and waterproof liquid liner. Plus it does not sting my eyes.  An 80ml bottle would cost roughly Php200.00, and I would go through one bottle in just one month.  

Since make-up remover is at the bottom of my list when it comes to makeup purchases, I thought on how I could save and find a cheaper alternative.  And so I scoured the net for "at home", "DIY"s make up remover.  And I found the easiest version.  

It's just basically extra virgin olive oil, mine cost only 122.00 and water.  What I did is, with my empty mascara remover bottle.  I filled it with 1/3 water and 2/3 extra virgin olive oil. And now, I have my very own eye make-up remover.  This really is a cost saving alternative to my 200 pesos eye makeup remover compared to the 122 pesos bottle of extra virgin olive oil which I haven't used up yet.

Extra virgin olive oil, Php122.00

Extra virgin olive oil with water (shake well before using)

Eyes with waterproof mascara and liquid eyeliner

Eyes after using my DIY eye makeup remover

Used two cotton balls for each eye.

Maybe you have another version of a DIY makeup remover,  share it with us by leaving  a comment below.

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