Monday, January 28, 2013

What's in my travel make-up kit

I am fortunate enough that I get to travel free because of my work.  This may mean that I get to stay only overnight or even for one whole week. Nevertheless, since I will be meeting with clients, I need to look presentable, thus having my make-up kit is really important.  But bringing and choosing  what is essential is very difficult, specially if you have a lot of make-up items to begin with.  You don't want to be carrying with you all your precious make-up, it might break or get lost along the way.

This is isually what I bring with me, but this may not always be the same brand:

1. Moisturizer - I am using right now the Myra moisturizer because it feels so light on my face plus it has an SPF 15 ( i usually transfer this to a smaller container)

2. Face Primer - I am using my Etude House BB cream as my face primer, again I transfer it to a much smaller container.

3. Foundation - This time I am trying out the Nichido foundation.  So far it is doing okay. But the coverage is light to medium only, so if you require mych more coverage you may need to add more, but you might end up having a cakey face.It is water based though.

4. Face Powder- I am using my Etude house face powder

5. Eyeshadow - What i usually bring is my quad. Specially this Elf eyeshadow quad in Butternut. Because i can use the neutral shades for easy day look, and when I need to go out at night i have the darker shade for a smokey eyes look. The darker eyeshadow also doubles as my eyeliner.

5. Blush - here I have my Careline blush

6. Mascarra - a mascarra that my sister gave me from Maybelline

7. Lipgloss or lipstick - I am using my Etude Juicy pop lipgloss

8. Tools - I definitely need my lash curler, plus my make-up brushes

I hope you find these information helpfull, let me know what are your travel make-up essentials. Leave me a comment below

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