Friday, January 25, 2013

Thankfull for mother-in-laws

If you did not know, I am a mother of a very active one year and three month old baby girl. My baby is just mastering walking, which also means, she goes to places that she is not supposed to go to. Like the bathroom and the laundry area, where she might slip. Under the sink and table where she might bump her head. Climbing on the couch and pulling the curtain. And i could go on and on..... But what I am trying to say is that, my little girl is beginning to be a handfull.

Thus being a working mother, it is hearbreaking enough leaving your baby behind, but it is extra hard leaving your little one with just her nanny, specially a new one. That is why I am so grateful that my mother in law is living with us. I am more at peace thinking that my baby girl is being well fed, that her diaper is changed constanty, that she is not left crying her brains out. That she does not "always" have bumps, scrapes and bruises. ("Always" because lets face it, an active kid will eventually get bumps, or scrapes or bruises. But it should not be everyday!).

Having my mother in law to look after my baby makes me worry less. And thus it is a plus because i have more than enough worries at work. Maybe I am just blessed with an awesome mother in law! Cheers for awesome mother in laws!

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